About Donald
Vermonter in the Old Tradition
I am a life-long resident of Barre Town, where I was active in Scouting, and became and Eagle Scout in 1991. I am a graduate of Spaulding High School and Johnson State College, where I studied under my mentor and friend, Senator Bill Doyle. Following graduation from JSC, I spent a year and a half at Philadelphia Lutheran Seminary exploring a possible call to the ministry, which I realized was not my true calling. I am a long-haul truck driver by profession, owning and operating Cedarbrook Trucking, based in Barre. I am an active member of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, in Montpelier, where I serve as a worship assistant. In my spare time, I enjoy hunting and fishing, and in the spring, I join with my father making maple syrup on our farm in East Barre.